MultiCUE gives workshop on multilingualism to home daycares

How do you support a child who doesn’t speak much Dutch yet? Is it concerning if children mix multiple languages? When should you be worried? How do you ensure children have an open attitude towards other languages?

These are a few of the questions we discussed on Saturday morning, March 2nd, during an interactive workshop for daycare workers and nannies from Gastouderbureau Kroostopvang. During the workshop, we delved into more detail on multilingual language development in young children, presented myths and facts about multilingualism, and discussed various case studies brought in by the workshop attendees. You can also learn more about these topics in this comprehensive toolbox! It covers various themes relevant to pedagogical staff and childminders who deal with multilingual children (0-4 years old).

Interested in a workshop on multilingual language development for your school or organization? Contact us at to discuss the possibilities!